The Dream Camera Part 2

The Professor has continued to struggle with the development of his camera that records dreams. I confess that I had begun to harbour serious doubts concerning the feasibility of the entire project. In the last few weeks, however, a number of indistinct but interesting images have emerged from the Professor's dreams. They are all images of hats. The Professor believes that this is to be expected since he asserts that everybody has at least one dream every night about hats or other headwear. I suggested that perhaps this might not be entirely true and that it may be useful to analyse such dreams. 'I believe,' the Professor replied, 'that Freud said that sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. Personally, I think that sometimes a cigar is also a bird in flight, a briefcase and a passing thought I had about knot gardens on Tuesday afternoon.' That's close, I suppose, but no cigar. Last night the Professor dreamed of top hats again.